jueves, 8 de julio de 2010

The best thing about tonight's
that we're not fighting
Could it be that we have been this way before
I know you don't think that I am trying
I know you're wearing thin down to the core

But hold your breathe
Because tonight will be the night that
I will fall for you
Over again
Don't make me change my mind

Or I wont live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find
Your impossible to find

This is not what I intended
I always swore to you I'd never fall apart
You always thought that I was stronger

I may of failed
But I have loved you from the start

So breathe in so deep
Breathe me in
I'm yours to keep
And hold onto your words
Cause talk is cheap

And remember me tonight
When your asleep

No quiero vivir con miedo a perderte
me quiero morir si no puedo verte

en mi vida no hay mas salida
no puedo dormir si no puedo tenerte
no puedo seguir muriendo lentamente

a tu lado encadenado

cada noche te he buscado
y en mis sueños te he encontrado
me despierto en un instante
y tu ya no estas

Ale, vos sabes todo lo que te extraño? dios no doy mas :'(, me pongo a pensar TODO lo que pasamos :_ los 2 años mas hermosos que vivi con vos, que estabas con mica, & venis simpre a mi casa a dormir, & jodiamos en la compu, escribias mi pared, ivamos al abasto, al village, a pinar, a abadia D: & jodiamos con los chios :_ & a todos esos lados que ivamos juntos simpre :_, que simpre estamos boludiando nosotros 2 por todos lados (?), te acordas? te extraño mucho :'(, se que no qres qe este mal ni nada D:, pero no puedo, me pongo a pensar en todo eso, & se me caen las lagrimas :'( & ahora me siento re culpable de esto :S, sabes lo qe daria por verte?, todo D: daria todo por vos ale :'(, porqe sos & seras mi unico amigo :_ el mejor de todos, mi mejor amigo :'(, & se qe simpre vas a estar conmigo, qiero volver a verte, volver a estar con vos, vos & yo sabemos todo lo qe pasamos, & no entiendo porqe a vos :'(, te acordas cuando peliamos diciendo, yo me voy a hacer el septum & vos yo tambien :_ & nunca nos hicimos nada hasta qe apareci con el septum & despues te lo hice a vos? hahaha, te acordas cuando me defendias? o cuando me pegabas :_, cuando en mi casa & nos pegabamos & te pegaba fuerte yo :_, vos sos con la unica persona que nunca me enoje ni nada D: nunca nos peliamos ni nada :_, porqe ale?, dios, te qiero ver, qiero qe estes aca conmigo jodiendo como haciamos :'(, no doy mas ale, te juro :(, que feo fue desperdirte de esa manera :'( nuca me imagine eso, verte ai, sin qe me hables ni nada :'(, fue horrible :'( cuando ivamos a tomar por ai con los chicos, a las jodas que ivamos :'(,cuando vos estabas acostado con mica & yo en la otra cama llorando & venias & me decias estas mal por ... no? :_ & yo no te respondia, & me decias dale no estes mal :( dios :'( te acordas cuando saliamos a la calle como a las 2 de la mañana con los chicos por ai :_ & no qrias venir a mi casa porqe decias qe mi mamá te qria pegar D: haha qe tonto :_, & muchas muchas cosas mas que nunca me voy a olvidar :'( ale, fuiste, sos & seras MI UNICO & MEJOR AMIGO :'( Te amo & te extraño muchisimo :'(

I've been feeling lonesome
I'm down, don't know what to do
I let you lie to me
plant seeds inside
to see them grow
only to leave them to die

I learned my lesson
I won't be forgetting
I won't give my heart out

without suspecting
why cry for you?

I've been lost and finding
out that I've been such a fool
you thought you'd stick around
until the day you found
someone to make me obsolete

sweat drips in my eyes screams of lust we cry
tonight you are everything to me you’re everything
you’re everything to me no more
as I wake from this perfect dream
I’ll escape from Eden’s walls…
can I not stay and live this lie?
go away and I’ll think only of myself

and to think that you would not be scared
or surprised if I’d severed all these ties
this is the end

I’ll lose myself in anguish for tonight
help me get over you
one last false apology
help me get over you

I feel so numb to see this bitter
end of beautiful illusions…would this be the same?
broken pieces will not mend to save our past now go away

I’ll lose myself in anguish for tonight
help me get over you
one last false apology
help me get over you

now we must let go…urgency overwhelms me as
I must restrain my flood of tears
I refuse to be slave to your false beauty again

miércoles, 7 de julio de 2010

Alejate de mi, escapa ve que ya
no debo verte, Entiende que
pida que te vayas,
no quiero perderte

Y alejate de mi amor
Yo se que aun estas a tiempo
No soy quien en verdad parezco
y perdon no soy quien crees
yo no cai del cielo

Si aun no me lo crees amor
y quieres tu correr el riesgo
veras que soy realmente
bueno en engañar & hacer
sufrir a quien mas quiero

Alejate de mi pues tu bien sabes que no te merezco
quiciera arrepentirme, ser el mismo y no decirte esto

Do you ever feel like breaking down?
Do you ever feel out of place?
Like somehow you just don't
Belong and no one understands you
Do you ever wanna run away?
Do you lock yourself in your room
With the radio on turned up so loud So that no one hears you screaming
no you don't know what its like when nothing feels alright
no you don't know what its like to be like me to be hurt to
to feel lost to be left out in the dark
to be kicked when you're down
you feel like you've been pushed around to be
on the edge of breaking down and no one's there
to save you no you don't know what its like
welcome to my life
Do you wanna be somebody else?
are you sick of feeling so left out?
are you desperate to find something more before your life is over?
Are you stuck inside a world you hate?
Are you sick of everyone around? with the big fake smiles and stupid lies
While deep inside your bleeding

no you don't know what its like when nothing feels alright
no you don't know what its like me to be hurt to
to feel lost to be left out in the dark
to be kicked when you're down
you feel like you've been pushed around to be
on the edge of breaking down and no one's there
to save you no you don't know what its like
welcome to my life

no one ever lied straight to your face
and no one ever stabbed you in the back
You might think I'm happy but I'm not gonna be ok
everybody always gave you what you wanted
never had to work it was always there

you don't know what its like, what its like
to be hurt to feel lost to be left out in the dark
to be kicked when your down you feel like you've been pushed around
to be on the edge of breaking down and no one's there to save you no you don't know what its like

to be hurt to be lost to be left out in the dark
to be kicked when you're down you feel like you've been pushed around
to be on the edge of breaking down and no one's there to save you
no you don't know what its like welcome to my life.

welcome to my life welcome to my life.

I dont
love you !

Estoy presente sin futuro, que es duro hijo de por norma, la vida no es más que una histora de mierda demasiado corta, a veces pienso y quisiera no haber nacido nunca, las penas me hundieron en un mar que se desborda,y he tragado ya, demasiada agua salada, no soy nada para el mondo, el mundo para mí no es nada

Last night I forgot how the sound your voice whispered sweet Goodbyes, your eyes left to die, I'm alone too I don't stand why.

Why not one more night one last kiss good bye my sweet love tonight, I hope the stars still spell out your name where you are...

Kiss my closings eyes, Help me sleep without you I'm so lost Tonight I cry Tell me why I can't live without your warm embrace

I close my eyes and you are everything I see

Goodbye to you my love I will forget you I'll see you soon
Goodbye my love, Goodbye to you my love I will forget you, LET ME LIVE